You can register for more than one player. Registrations for less than 4 single players will be grouped into teams of 4 with fellow Love Your Sister supporters and key stakeholders.
The Single Player Registrations include the following:
*Cart available on request (with a medical certificate)
Terms & Conditions
Full refund applicable for cancellations up to 30 days prior to the event.
Ticket transfer accepted up to 48 hours prior to the event, please email RSVP@loveyoursister.org with changes.
Love Your Sister is Australia’s hardest working cancer vanquishing charity. Founded by Gold Logie winning actor and Victorian Australian of the Year 2018, Samuel Johnson OAM, Love Your Sister is a million-strong village of everyday Aussies committed to vanquishing cancer with hard science and the best new technologies. Love Your Sister supports personalised treatment for ALL cancer patients, whatever the cancer, regardless of location, income, or status. We strive for the right treatment for every cancer patient, first time, every time.