We never touch the donor’s money, it goes EXACTLY where intended. It’s one of the things that I am proudest of. We are not 100% ‘of proceeds’, or ‘of profits’. Love Your Sister always gives 100% of donations received to our best and brightest researchers.
Uniquely, we don’t dip into doughies to pay our bills. We rely on kind people like you who recognise that, because we never touch donations, we need your support to help us keep our lights on.
Let me be EXTREMELY clear so I don’t go to jail - ‘Keeping The Lights On’ is NOT a donation. You will NOT receive a tax-deductible receipt, so you CANNOT claim this on your tax. This helps us keep the lights on and there aren’t enough words tell you how grateful we are!
Love Your Sister is Australia’s hardest working cancer vanquishing charity. Founded by Gold Logie winning actor and Victorian Australian of the Year 2018, Samuel Johnson OAM, Love Your Sister is a million-strong village of everyday Aussies committed to vanquishing cancer with hard science and the best new technologies. Love Your Sister supports personalised treatment for ALL cancer patients, whatever the cancer, regardless of location, income, or status. We strive for the right treatment for every cancer patient, first time, every time.